Your smile is like a diamond. The more it shines, the more beautiful it is! It adds more beauty to your personality . Who doesn't want pearly white teeth? Yellow teeth are real embarrassment. Whether your teeth are lightly stained or very yellowed.. It is still possible to go from yellow teeth to white teeth by the following simple home remedy. It will go gradually if you do it on a regular basis.. My sister has done this and trust me it is working great on her.. So guys just go for it. :) INGREDIENTS * Baking soda * Lemon juice METHOD TO APPLY Take one spoon baking soda and add few drops of lemon juice. You will see the bubbles coming out . Then mix it will Take a cloth and dip it in that solution then rub it on your teeth's Wash it after 2 min with water You will get white teeth in 2 mins HOW DOES IT WORK Lemon have acidic substance which help to remove strain and yellowis...