
Showing posts from September, 2015


Your smile is like a diamond. The more it shines, the more beautiful it is! It adds more beauty to your personality . Who doesn't want pearly white teeth? Yellow teeth are real embarrassment. Whether your teeth are lightly stained or very yellowed.. It is still possible to go from yellow teeth to white teeth by the following simple home remedy. It will go gradually if you do it on a regular basis.. My sister has done this and trust me it is working great on her..  So guys just go for it. :) INGREDIENTS * Baking soda * Lemon juice METHOD TO APPLY         Take one spoon baking soda and add few drops of lemon juice. You will see the bubbles coming out . Then mix it will Take a cloth and dip it in that solution then rub it on your teeth's Wash it after 2 min with water You will get white teeth in 2 mins HOW DOES IT WORK          Lemon have acidic substance which help to remove strain and yellowish colour of teeth . on other side baking soda have bleaching effect whi


REASONS FOR DARK CIRCLES * lack of sleep * lack of diet * continuously watching TV or LAPTOP You can now get rid of dark circles by trying this simple remedy at home -  INGREDIENTS * potato (1 medium sized)  METHOD TO APPLY      Take one fresh potato and wash it with clean water to remove its impurities .cut it into 1\5 inch slices without peeling off its upper skin Place the slice into refrigerator for 10 min .When it will get chilled place it on your eyes for 15 min Apply it daily at least for 10 days for best results HOW DOES IT WORK Potato's consist of natural bleaching agent that can help in lightening dark circles and get rid of puffiness around the eyes ENJOY THE BEST REMEDY TO REMOVE DARK CIRCLES For more such articles do follow our blog! Feel free to ask us anything.. You can ask by commenting below :) 


INGREDIENTS * Lemon juice 2TBSP * coconut oil 2TBSP METHOD TO APPLY           Take lemon juice and coconut oil in the same quantity .Mix it well Apply it at least 2-3 times a day .This will remove all the dead cells of your lips and help remove all the tan your lips has ! HOW DOES THIS WORK? COCONUT OIL- As we all are aware about the properties of coconut oil.It is the best thing for nourishment .IT does not only nourishes  but also has smoothing property. Lemon is often used to  treat dark skin patches and spots , and you can use it to naturally lighten dark lips, too. The bleaching property in lemon works well as a simple yet powerful remedy for dark lips. ITS EASY ,SIMPLE AND CHEAP HOME REMEDY TO LIGHTEN YOUR DARK LIPS! HOPE YOU LIKED IT :) 


HOW TO HEAL SUN-DAMAGED SKIN   You didn’t apply enough sunscreen and got burned? Ouch! Regretfully, the damage is done, but what to do now? Never say die! These home remedies are great sunburn healers.  ALOE VERA This plant is a proven wound-healer and anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it is awesome for sunburn! Get yourself a whole plant, so you can use it whenever you want. Break off a piece and apply the juice on your skin. If you prefer a cosmetic product, avoid gel formulations or those containing alcohol (they will dry out your skin). But test a small area first, to make sure you're not allergic.  YOGURT Organic yogurt contains an abundance of probiotics and enzymes that can help to recover your skin. Make sure it’s truly plain yogurt (no flavor) and that it has probiotics. Apply cool yogurt to all sunburned areas. And after 10 Minutes rinse it off with a cool shower.   ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Vinegar has anti-bacterial effects and can help ease sunburn pain, i


What is detox water? Detox water  is the latest diet craze to take off in recent years. This approach to losing weight is miraculous for a variety of reasons. A potent taste is often all it takes to make some deviate from their dietary goals. Why detox water? Everyone wants to be clean inside and out..  Detox water helps you clean inside as well as it gives your outer skin a gorgeous glow. If you want to look good and feel good then what are you waiting for?  Detox water is your only solution.  Now the question raising in your minds will be that does this detox water will really work or no?  Aah !  I had the same question in my mind and then I started experimenting on it..  Believe me guys it worked as a miracle.  I feel fresh from inside out. Don't believe me?  Then go ahead and read the following thing which may help you clear your doubt. How does this work?  * Cucumbers  prevent water retention and also have many anti-inflammatory properties. *Lemon  provides the


Walk down the dairy aisle of any grocery store and you’ll see a dizzying array of yogurts. While yogurt’s popularity is partly due to its creamy texture and yummy taste, it’s main claim to fame is its health benefits.  Yoghurt, yogurt or yogourt is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. The bacteria used to make yoghurt are known as "yoghurt cultures .Yogurt is beneficial to us in many ways . SOME FACTS ABOUT YOGURT- - IT IS EASIER TO DIGEST THAN MILK -IT IS PACKED WITH VITAMINS -IT IS A RICH SOURCE OF PROTIENS  -IT CURBS YOUR HUNGER  -IT MAY HELP YOU LOOSE WEIGHT  -IT BOOSTS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM -IT IS GOOD FOR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM -IT IS GOOD FOR THE BONES -IT MAY HELP LOWER YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE -IT CAN HELP YOUR SMILE :) HEALTH BENEFITS OF YOGURT - -YOGURT GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF IN ABDOMINAL PROBLEMS -IT IMPROVES YOUR MENTAL CAPACITY -IT IS VERY HELPFUL TO IMPROVE HIGH CHOLESTROL LEVELS -KEEPS YOU AWAY FROM OSTEOPOROSIS -HELP


BENEFITS OF COLD WAXING * No Bumps * No Ingrown * lasting Result INGREDIENTS * 1 cup of sugar * 1/5 cup of water * 1 tsp of salt * 2-3 tsp of lemon juice Add caption METHOD TO BAKE       put all ingredients in pan on gas and mix it well until it turns to yellowish golden .make your marble table wet with water and put your wax on that wet marble progressively bring in the edge. Make your hands wet and take the whole mixture in your hand but be careful as it will be really hot.. Rub the wax as much as possible until it turns to a smooth wax METHOD TO MAKE HOME-MADE WAX!         Make sure the area you are going to do wax must be dry. Take the wax in your hands and apply it on the area  you wanna do wax and pull it It is less painful and cheap to make and the  best thing is ....its a home remedy HOPE YOU'LL ENJOY WAXING WITH OUR HOME REMEDY OF COLD WAX!