
Showing posts from 2016


Many of us think of baking soda as an ingredient used for cooking, or even something that helps to keep our refrigerators odor-free, but baking soda is surprisingly good for your health and home, too! An inexpensive purchase, baking soda uses vary from basic daily hygiene, injuries,  digestive issues , stomach pain,  coughs  and  sore throats . Throughout history, baking soda has been used as a rising agent when baking. It’s 100 percent sodium bicarbonate; so when mixed with acid, baking soda makes bubbles and gives off a carbon dioxide gas, causing the dough to rise. Baking soda is known as nahcolite, which is part of the natural mineral natron. Natron contains large amounts of sodium bicarbonate and has been used since ancient times as a  deodorizer , soother and cleanser. Baking Soda Uses & Benefits Baking soda is a great tool for cleaning and removing stains, but there are many health benefits associated with the use of baking soda, too. Some of the most common ba


If you love apples, love the humble banana as well. Eating a banana daily is likely to boost eye health and prevent vision related diseases, a study has found. Researchers have found that bananas have carotenoid - a compound that is converted into vitamin A in the liver, which is an important precursor for eye health. According to previous research, foods containing high levels of carotenoid also protect against chronic diseases, including cancers, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The study has showed that banana rich in provitamin A carotenoids may offer a potential food source for alleviating vitamin A deficiency -  important for sight. To combat vitamin A deficiency, researchers have been investigating methods to boost carotenoids in bananas. Cara L mortimer and other researchers from Queensland University of technology in Australia studied two varieties of bananas to find out why they make different amounts of carotenoids. They found that the pale yellow, low carotenoid


No matter how hard you have been working, you never seem to get rid of the stubborn love handles. They may be called love handles, but there is certainly nothing lovely about them. Kyla Gagnon, a fitness trainer based in British Columbia, told the Huffington Post that a number of people have problems with losing this type of fat because they only rely on exercise. Working the area with exercises will not get rid of the excess fat. What it will do is strengthen the muscles underneath the fat, which is important,” Gagnon told the Huffington Post. Here are some tips that will help you get rid of love handles for good: Eat Lots of Healthy Fats Consume more seeds and avocado in order to get healthy fats into your daily diet. It is recommended that 25-35% of your daily calories come from healthy fats. Also, you should avoid processed foods. Avoid Sugar and Unrefined Carbs Your daily diet should include more fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins in order to promo


Diet graphs, treadmills, aerobics…sometimes, it turns into an uncomfortabe irritation (and actually, in many parts of the body!) to get in shape, exceptionally in the event that you are a foodie and can’t control those extravagant cravings of eating a cheesecake and a chicken move aimlessly hours. Gradually and bit by bit, your entire workout routine transforms into a bad dream. Enter: pressure point massage The encouraging news is that separated from facilitating queasiness, regurgitating, lower back agony, and migraines, pressure point massage is likewise useful in getting in shape. Turns out a simple technique of acupressure can help you control your appetite and hunger, while at the same time improving your digestion How, you ask? Save a couple of minutes from your putting on a show to-be-occupied calendar and place your thumb before the triangular molded tissue close you ear. Presently open and close your jaw and discover a point where it has most extreme development.


Today i will be reviewing my current favourite oil.I needed a new hair oil as my hairfall was increasing day by day and my hair was getting rough as well ..I needed a hair oil to control my hairfall and maintain my the ph balance of my hair as well as provide nourishment  .I came to  know about this oil via my aunt and she said she trusts this hair oil completely ..I thought to give a try..finally i purchased it from my nearby medical store ..the very first time when I applied it i wasnt so sure about how the product is but yes i liked it ..the next time when i applied ..I warmed it a lil in microwave for about 10-15 seconds ..and i repeated this warm up procedure for about 3-4 times and yes i loved it ..the results were really good ..I cannot say my hairfall has completely disappeared but yes it has improved 90% then before ..not only it decreases our hair fall but also it gives nourishment which our hair needs..the main thing which is attractive about this product is that it cons


♻Chiksa♻ 💎Made with a blend of various botanical herbs and known to improve skin tone and reduce acne. Chiksa is a  mix of time tested herbal powders used by royal families in the past.  ‘Chiksa'  is a herbal bath powder with almonds, rose petals, turmeric and other exotic ingredients powdered together. This powder, mixed with water and made into a paste, is used by the bride from days ahead of the wedding for that sparkling dazzle on the wedding Day.  ☄For instant fairness : Mix equal amount of chiksa, ambi haldi and tomato juice. Keep it for 15-20 minutes and wash off. 💎How to use chiksa full body pack? ☄Mix it with milk (dry skin) or for oily skin with plain water or rose water ☄Apply on full body especially on dark areas like knees, elbows, underarms, neck, feet etc. ☄Let it dry for 15-20 minutes N then while washing it off scrub Ur body with it. ☄After washing properly with warm water don’t apply soap until next day ☄Apply once in 8-10 Days for Norm


♻Ambi Haldi♻ ☄Well known for its anti-bacterial properties. It helps in lightening skin tone, fighting wrinkles, stops acne formation, believed to be effective in reducing facial hair etc. 💎How to use as a face pack? ☄Anti acene face pack: Mix 1 tbs ambi haldi  with 1 tbs red sandal wood powder , 1 tbs need powder , 1tbs honey and little water as required to form a thick paste. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse with water. ☄To lighten skin completion: Mix ambi haldi and rice flour add fresh cream, green tea and honey to it . Mix all and apply on face till it dries. Wash with plain water. Apply regularly to see the difference. ☄Sandalwood turmeric face pack: Mix sandalwood powder and turmeric together.  Add in the honey and mix well.  Apply on the face and leave it for 20 minutes and rinse off. ☄Tan removal: 4 cubes of papaya + 1 tbs ambi haldi + 1 tbs honey. Mash papaya and mix up all this. Apply the thick paste and keep for 20 minutes. Wash off to see a glowing skin.


♻Orange Peel scrub♻ ☄Orange peels consist of natural bleaching agents that help make skin visibly fairer, by eliminating dark spots and patches from skin. ☄Take a tbsp of orange peel powder, mix it with a tsp of plain fat free yogurt and make a paste. Add water if needed to adjust the consistency. Use it as a face scrub. ☄It can also be used as a pack by mixing 2 teaspoon of orange peel power with 1 teaspoon of sandal wood powder and some rose water. Apply it on face and neck and leave for half an hour and rinse with water. This helps in having a youthful glowing skin. ☄It can also be used as a face mask. Mix 2 tbs orange peel+1 tbs milk mix and add coconut oil. Apply on face and leave it for 10 – 15 minutes. Gently wash off by scrubbing in circular motion.


How to reduce belly fat? Dear, to decrease your weight you have to do work out daily.  Below are some tips which can help you in reducing your belly fat ...following are some remedies which you can add in your daily routine- 1. Mix three teaspoons of lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey, and one-half teaspoon of black pepper powder in one glass of water. 2. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. 3. Do this daily for at least three months. 4. Drink mint tea or make a paste of green mint with some simple spices and eat during meals. 5. Eat vegetables such as bitter gourd and drumsticks to control obesity. 6. Do bhujang asana, dhanurasana, naukasana, kumbhakasana, pavanamukthasana daily 10 min per asana. 7. Do running early morning daily and join aerobics in evening. 8. Avoid oily and fried foods, processed foods, fatty foods like butter, purified butter, cheese, whole-milk yogurt, cream, chocolate, etc. 9.Replace refined flour with whole-wheat


tag 💥Original Multani mitti ☄Removes all dead skins from your face and makes space for the pores to breath get a glowing skin texture of your skin will be improved from rough to smooth ☄Helps in removing acne and blemishes from skin and also reduces pigmentation and sun tan. ☄It also proving a cooling effect to your skin whenever you are feeling hot during the summer seasons. ☄If you are having some allergic reaction during the summer season, it is quite likely to get redness and rashes. Multani mitti work as wonder. All the redness and rashes will be reduced by this effect. ☄Since the use of multani mitti improves the blood circulation, dry and rough skin will be eventually removed once it is applied by combining with almond paste and milk ☄People having oily skin can use this with the combination of rose water to get an oil free and smooth skin ☄Multani mitti have the well absorbing properties of oil, in most of the facial pack this can be added. ☄Multani mitt


♻Neem Face Pack♻ ☄Neem has antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties that not only benefit your health but also can help you get rid of common beauty problems. ☄Neem proves to be a miracle for people with problematic skin, thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties. Neem is a boon for people with sensitive or oily, acne-prone skin. ☄Neem contains Vitamin C, which helps in getting rid of skin problems like blackheads, pigmentation, dullness and aging, thus leaving the skin with a youthful glow. 💥 Beauty benefits of Neem are as follows:  ☄Clears Acne & Dark Pigmentation. ☄Prevents Recurrence Of Blackheads ☄Treats Skin Infection ☄Prevents Acne Breakouts ☄Turns Skin Clear ☄Treats pimples ☄Controls Excess Oils 💥How to use? 💥For acne and pimples: ☄Make a paste of turmeric power and neem power in water and apply it on your face and leave it for 10-15 minutes. ☄Mix neem power with  sandalwood power a


♻Red Sandalwood  powder♻ 💥How to use? ☄For dry skin :  Make a creamy texture of red sandal wood powder along with milk and honey and apply on your face. Wash off with cold water after 20 minutes. Get a glowing skin. ☄For oily skin: Mix red sandal wood power either with water or rose water and wash with luke warm water. This will leave your skin fresh and glowing. ☄For Acne & black spots: Mix red sandal wood power with tomato juice and use as a face pack. This helps in skin lightening and to get rid of acne and dark spots. ☄Removal of black heads: Mix red sandal wood power with rice power and add little water. Use this as a natural scrub . ☄Tighten wrinkles and get rid of scars –   Mix sandal wood power with cabbage juice and use as face pack. This helps to attain skin free of wrinkles, freckles, fine lines, dark spots etc. ☄Removal of sun tan – Make a combination of red sandal wood powder with curd and cucumber and apply on the affected areas. ☄Red sand


Herbal hair pack contains the following ingredients: 💥 Reetha :   It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.  Regular use of reetha makes hair softer and shiner.  It also helps in preventing dandruff and hair fall. 💥 Shikakai :   It helps in detangling hair and makes it shiny.  Also, strengthens the roots and gives volume to hair. 💥 Multani Mitti:   Treats dry hair and leaves it soft and healthy.  Also helps in removing excess oil from the scalp and prevents split ends too. 💥 Amla :   It gives natural shine to the hair and gives nourishment from root to tip. It reduces hair fall and solves the problem of dandruff. 💥 Neem &  very little Henna : It fights dandruff, strengthens hair roots, prevents hair loss and strengthens hair.  It also conditions the hair and makes it soft. 💎How to use?  ☄Soak in water for few hours and then mix with curd ☄Apply the mixture to your hair ☄Wash within an hour’s time ☄Don’t shampoo. Strictly wash with plai


☄ Henna is a good source for people who wanted to get rid of their gray hair, and for people who are allergic to chemical creams. ☄Generally most of us use Henna for protecting our hair from sun and dust. ☄Henna can make your hair strong and nourish it from roots for a silky and shiny hair. ☄Applying henna pack twice a month makes hair glossy, healthy and voluminous. ☄It repairs the damaged hair strands and restores the acid-alkaline balance of the scalp. ☄It is an amazing conditioner for hair that protects the hair strands by building a protective layer and locking the nutrients and moisture. ☄It is the best and safest way to color your hair that has no ammonia, chemicals, and toxins. ☄Henna can be used to treat dandruff and scalp infections effectively. 💎 Ho w to use? ☄Soak at night in plain water / tea water( for reddish/orange color) /coffee water ( for brown color)/ Beetroot water( for burgundy color) ☄Morning add egg & curd ☄Apply the mixture to your hair ☄Wa


💎How to use?  There is a wide range of medicinal properties of sandalwood that makes it the best and most reliable of home remedies for face and all types of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and ringworm rash treatment. 💎 For Pimples - Mix 1 tbsp of sandalwood powder with ½ tbsp of turmeric powder and 1 tbsp of rose water. Apply a coat of this paste on your face and keep for about 20 minutes and then wash it off with water. 💎 For Skin Spots - Take sandalwood powder and turmeric powder in equal quantity and make a paste of milk. Add a pinch of camphor powder to it. Massage your face with the paste and leave it for the night. It not only gives you a cool feeling but also cleans away the skin marks. 💎 For Soft Skin- Take equal measures of sandalwood powder, turmeric powder and lemon juice to make a paste and apply it on your face. Rinse with cool water after 30 minutes .  💎 For clear complexion - Mix 1 tbsp of sandalwood powder with 1 tbsp of almond paste wit